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Más Caña

Our fertilizer focused on stimulating cane vegetative development. Recommended for initial stage and during growth, ensuring maximum investment return.

Más Maíz

Recommended for corn crop nutrition, provides a balanced supply of nitrogen for every growth stage.

Más Café

Thanks to its formula, it provides micro and macronutrientsin a balanced way, for adequate vegetative growth, a yield increase and root proper development.

Más Banano

Fertilizer with a nutritional formula focused on strengthening the crop in its initial stage and during development for active sugar accumulation in fruit for greater production.

Más Limón

This fertilizer will favor your crop’s potential for root development and increased production, benefiting the development of the citrus and its bark.

Más Hortalizas

This fertilizer is focused on all three stages of your crop: Initial phase, growth, and filling, ensuring good performance and production.

Más Palma

The appropriate fertilizer for initial phase and during production, guaranteeing high quality fruits.

Más Piña

This fertilizer formula promotes root development and vegetative growth, in addition to encouraging sugar accumulation in fruit.